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1942年4月1日《解放日报》将“文艺”专刊改为综合性副刊。《解放日报》改版前的作品更多地是呈现知识分子对于自由婚恋的憧憬与理想,探讨婚后女性面临家庭与事业难以兼顾的窘境以及个人私欲与革命信仰进行博弈而产生的离婚危机。改版后,综合副刊上刊登的婚恋作品主人公大多是工农兵出身,呈现出政治进步可以成就美满婚姻、夫妻共同参加生产劳动可以促进家庭和谐、男女努力学习知识就可以收获爱的体验的新型婚恋观。文章通过考察改版前后不同时期《解放日报》上发表的涉及婚恋问题的文学作品,发现了延安时期男女婚恋观念的嬗变轨迹,认为《解放日报》对男女婚恋问题的反映与思考,对建国后“十七年文学”有着深刻的影响与启示。  相似文献   
造物艺术史研究之中只有赋予造物艺术史以某种新意义、新价值或者新答案的论著才称得上是具有启迪意义的论著。要做到这一点,既要求研究者必须具备良好的历史意识,更要求其在研究中把握好“源与流”“内容与形式”“历时性与共时性”“造物的因果律”等核心问题。这些问题不仅涉及能否准确把握人类物质文明发展的历史全貌,而且关乎人类历史发展动力和规律中复杂关系的揭示。造物艺术的历史,不只是物态的历史,还是一部与人有关的生产生活史。近年来,造物艺术史研究对这些问题和关系的探索,出现了两个引人瞩目的新变化:一是研究方式从描述转向阐释;二是研究视角从核心转移到了边缘。  相似文献   

In this essay, I suggest that artistic production provides valuable insights into the nature of the Canada-US border during the late-twentieth century when significant changes were occurring to dominant understandings of Canada in relation to North America. Focusing on the medium of video art, I trace the sustained engagement of Canadian contemporary artists to respond to and comment on the move towards continental integration through free trade. I contextualize my discussion in relation to trade developments that opened Canada’s border with the US, such as the 1989 implementation of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. This agreement, along with the later North American Free Trade Agreement, led to increasing continental integration at the end of the twentieth century, as well as hope for hemispheric integration with the subsequent negotiations towards the Free Trade Area of the Americas. With attention to works by Lisa Steele and Kim Tomczak, Eva Manly, and Clive Robertson, I foreground cultural contributions to redefining the Canada-US borderlands. Here, I chart the artists’ intention to echo narratives of the border’s porousness and address the power dynamics between the Canadian state and its trade partners. Examining themes of cultural imperialism, colonialism, and national identity, I point to the importance of cultural production in assessing the borderlands and, more broadly, histories of free trade in North America.  相似文献   
In this paper, we introduce a multilevel model specification with time-series components for the analysis of prices of artworks sold at auctions. Since auction data do not constitute a panel or a time series but are composed of repeated cross-sections, they require a specification with items at the first level nested in time-points. Our approach combines the flexibility of mixed effect models together with the predicting performance of time series as it allows to model the time dynamics directly. Model estimation is obtained by means of maximum likelihood through the expectation–maximization algorithm. The model is motivated by the analysis of the first database ethnic artworks sold in the most important auctions worldwide. The results show that the proposed specification improves considerably over classical proposals both in terms of fit and prediction.  相似文献   
文章对卞之琳在20世纪40年代在《燕京新闻》发表过两封论诗的书简及发表的情况略作钩沉,并对书简中所谈及的卞之琳译介里尔克、霍斯曼诗作的情况略作说明,由此对卞之琳围绕刘芃如所译霍斯曼诗作的音韵问题以及另一位收信人所问及的写诗的素养等问题,就诗的音乐性及诗的格律、读诗的方法等问题所做的表述加以分析,力求揭示其讲究诗艺的艺术追求背后,试图通过译诗来为中国现代白话新诗的写作提供借鉴和参考并以格律的创建来推动中国现代白话新诗的发展这一持久的诗学理想所具有的重要意义。  相似文献   
迈克尔?C?菲茨杰拉德是毕加索研究专家,这本《制造现代主义———毕加索与二十世纪艺术市场的创建》是他关于毕加索和二十世纪世界艺术市场研究的专著,书中基于大量文献和田野调查资料为读者呈现了在20世纪艺术市场创建过程中,作为现代艺术当之无愧代表的毕加索连同经销商、评论家、博物馆长等多方力量的博弈与互动,既让一个形象丰满的毕加索跃然纸上,又揭示了现代主义被制造的源与流,展现了一个具有历史和现实维度的20世纪艺术市场。  相似文献   
当代乡土审美语境中的农村环境艺术设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境艺术设计是改善农村人居环境质量,实现“美丽乡村”建设的重要手段。在全球化与城市强势发展的双重影响下,农村陷入生态困境与审美误区,“千村一貌”与城乡文化同质化现象严重,传统乡土审美语境面临挑战。农村环境艺术设计应吸取城市的经验与教训,以当代农民为审美主体,既要尊重农民追求物质生活的愿景,体现时代气息,又要传承乡土文化与精神,保持地域特色,留住乡愁。  相似文献   
本文以重庆市市级非物质文化遗产大足石雕的传承群体为调查对象,运用参与观察、访谈等田野调查方法,并查阅《大足石刻铭文录》《石刻考古录》等文献,在对大足石雕技艺传承现状和传承群体生存现状进行田野调查的基础上,进一步对大足石雕技艺传承和保护困境进行了反思。本文认为,大足石雕传承群体生存困境,实质是文化与权力的二次建构,以及这种双重建构加之于同一对象的矛盾性的具体体现。  相似文献   
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